Category Security

Building applications to be secure in highly unsecure networks and environments.

Don’t let your services become Trojan Horses

Cloud-native applications make heavy use of services and microservice architectures. Distributed applications provide many benefits to modern application development processes and lend themselves particularly well to applications deployed in the public cloud.

But microservices can also create additional and unwanted vulnerability points that bad actors can leverage to compromise your application. A single compromised service, no matter how small, can lead to vulnerabilities that can be exploited in neighboring services, ultimately compromising them as well. A single small …

Identity, trust, and their role in modern applications

In the software world, identity is the mapping of a person, place, or thing in a verifiable manner to a software resource. Whenever you interact with nearly anything on the internet, you are dealing with identities:

  • Facebook identity
  • Email address
  • Login name and password for a website

Everyone has multiple identities—multiple ways that people know who you are and interact with you in the virtual world. Here are a few …


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